

course stats
    my lie
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    • Done! You've ranked all your courses.
    • beauty

      drag an item here to remove it from the list.

      • You have not added any courses to your beauty list, yet.

      drag an item here to remove it from the list.

      • You have not added any courses to your executive list, yet.
      bucket list

      drag an item here to remove it from the list.

      • You have not added any courses to your bucket list, yet.
      hidden gems

      drag an item here to remove it from the list.

      • You have not added any courses to your hidden gems, yet.

      drag an item here to remove it from the list.

      • You have not added any courses to your munis, yet.
      most fun

      drag an item here to remove it from the list.

      • You have not added any courses to your most fun list, yet.
      best value

      drag an item here to remove it from the list.

      • You have not added any courses to your best value list, yet.